south central wisconsin division​​

SCWD Facebook Page


Our meetings are usually held the first Sunday of the month from September to May from 1:00–4:00pm. There are no fees to attend our meetings (donations always appreciated). First time visitors are always welcome!

Meetings usually consist of the following:

• Recognition of visitors

• Announcements

• A clinic, demonstration, or video on railroading or model railroading

* Break for snacks and voting for the monthly popular vote model and photography contest (Learn More)

* Typically a second clinic, demonstration, or video on railroading or model railroading

* Announcement of the popular vote model and photography contest winners

​* Other announcements

• Meeting ends on or before 4:00

* After, optional local layout tours, usually two, maps provided (you are responsible for your own transportation)

Meetings are held at the Verona Senior Center, 108 Paoli Street, Verona, WI 53593 (MAP)If you can't attend in person, you may attend via Zoom. Virtual meeting information is emailed to the SCWD membership prior to each meeting. 

In January, we host our Model Railroad School put on by Division volunteers and open to the public. It is held in place of our regular January meeting. 

In February, we have our regular Division meeting. Some of this meeting time is devoted to preparing volunteers for the Mad City Model Railroad Show held at the Alliant Center in Madison. The show is usually held on the third weekend of February. We need "all hands on deck" for this show and it can't happen without the many volunteers from the Division. 

Please see the current Bad Order Newsletter for individual meeting and contest information. 


NMRA RailPass Trial Membership